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Hypnosis – the fast way to retrain your brain

Updated: Feb 20, 2023

Hypnosis is known as the fast track therapy because it works within 3-6 sessions rather than over many months or years with other types of therapy.

How does it work?

The brain operates on different levels of consciousness, ranging from fully alert through asleep, with variations in between. Hypnotic states occur naturally and spontaneously such as when we are daydreaming, reading a book or absorbed in a movie.

Dr. Mark Jensen, a psychologist at the University of Washington School of Medicine, found that hypnosis and meditation have similar neurophysiological profiles. These brain states can be measured by EEG tracking brainwaves from high frequency to low frequency:

Beta: (14-30Hz) Normal awake state the more stressed you are the faster the brainwaves.

Alpha: (9-11 Hz) Associated with calm relaxed but alert states occurring naturally in everyday life.

Theta: (4-8Hz) Associated with deep relaxation, creativity, deep meditation and hypnosis.

Delta: (1-3 Hz) Sleep, deep physical relaxation and rejuvenation.

Re-educate the subconscious, to alter perceptions and change behaviour

Hypnosis works, by the therapist deliberately inducing a relaxed state spanning from alpha through to theta states, and then offering therapeutic suggestions which are absorbed into the mind to reeducate the subconscious, alter perceptions and change behaviours.

The Hypnotherapist will carefully craft an individualised script focusing on the desired agreed goal which is tailored to each client.  Hypnosis works by updating the subconscious mind with new and more helpful information, like updating the software in a computer.

Since the subconscious mind controls our emotions, behaviour and autonomic bodily processes, hypnosis can releive anxiety, depression, distress, and pain. Contrary to popular belief, you can’t be hypnotized into doing things against your will; neither can you be forced into a hypnotic state. Instead, you allow yourself to be hypnotised. Want to know if you can be hypnotised? BOOK HERE

How is Hypnosis different?

Hypnosis is different because it taps into the power of the subconscious mind. Hypnosis is a solution focused experiential therapeutic intervention. As you relax your mind is being re-shaped to reflect the solution you want.

Rather than just talking about the problem we use the power of the mind to intervene and change the outcome

If you examine your daily routine you’ll find that most of what you do say and think is habitual, and all habits arise from the subconscious. From waking up in the morning we faithfully follow a usual routine as if you’re on auto pilot. Habits are often useful, but sometimes we realize they hold us back, get in the way of success or are not in line with how we want our life to be NOW. Once we have a different experience we have started the change process- no-one can take that away from you. Keep going and repeat often enough to change the subconscious habit or pattern permanently.

What is a habit?

Habits are subconscious behaviour repeated regularly. Our habits are often physical emotional and behavioural, i.e. thoughts, feelings or behaviours that seem to be almost involuntary.

Habits are often learned responses to triggers or events that when repeated often over time becomes automatic unless questioned. Habits can also become obsessive, compulsive or addictive in nature.

We can be unknowingly run by old beliefs, feelings and behaviour
The adult brain remains open to change throughout its lifespan. Most people pay little attention to the flow of thoughts, yet what flows through our mind literally sculpts our brain. Our unconscious mental programs (or thought, feelings and core beliefs) influence the way we think, feel and behave. These mental programs are usually formed in childhood, and if we are unaware or haven’t updated them we may not realize that these beliefs no longer serve us.

We can be unknowingly run by old beliefs, worn out faulty thinking and repetitive habits that are long overdue for a renovation. By focusing our attention and becoming more conscious of our inner experiences we can use the mind to change or re-wiring the brain. One of the best ways to practice this is through mindfulness practices such as meditation and psychotherapy.

What can hypnosis do for me?

According to better health, Hypnosis can help with:

  1. Anxiety

  2. Depression

  3. Changing habits

  4. Compulsions & Addictions

  5. Moderate drinking

  6. Chronic pain

  7. Fears and phobias

  8. Quit Smoking

  9. High blood pressure

  10. Health fears

  11. White Coat Syndrome

  12. Insomnia

  13. Panic attacks

  14. Public Speaking

  15. Studying /Exam taking

  16. Social anxiety

  17. Stress

  18. Relationship issues

  19. Managing anger

  20. Migraine

  21. Nail biting

  22. Skin Picking /Hair pulling

  23. Thumb sucking

  24. Sleep problems

  25. Stuttering

  26. Weight management

Want to try it for yourself?

Heather Cavill Greer is a Clinical hypnotherapist and psychotherapist with many years’ experience. Heather uses Clinical Hypnosis, Mindfulness-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) most people feel better within the first session and have resolved their issues within 3-6 sessions. For a free 20 minute consultation either call or book with Heather HERE

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