Covid 19 update
The health and safety of our community is our priority; each practitioner has their own business within the Lotus Centre and will make their own health and safety clinical decisions about in person consultations in line with current regulations. All our practitioners are required to take the Australian Department of Health Training module; Infection control training – COVID 19 and have a completed certificate of competence. We have in person consultations or phone/video consultations available. Ask about your practitioners cancelation policy – most do not have a cancellation fee.
Here’s what we are doing as a community of professional health workers and counsellors;
Offering phone or video consultations for clients
Strict health and safety infection control policies and high standard of cleaning with hospital grade cleaning and disinfecting supplies
Strict self isolating policies for all practitioners, clients and visitors
Daily cleaning of the centre and frequent disinfection for high traffic areas with hospital grade viral disinfectant
Physical distancing 1,5 metres, 4 metres per person in rooms, and minimal contact for all essential consultations
Strict hand washing /sanitising procedures for all practitioners clients and visitors
Home delivery of products
We keep up to date with all new events and follow the government guidelines, and guidelines from our professional associations
If you would like a confidential conversation about how this may impact you please contact your practitioner, our director -Heather 0405 821 880 or deputy Linda 0412 208 982