The Lotus Centre is an Integrative Health and Well-being multi-disciplinary Centre. Our Practitioners and Therapists are available 6 days a week. They are small business owners who work as a team to provide high quality natural healthcare, therapeutic and well-being services.

What is Energy Healing?
Energy healing is found in all ancient cultures throughout the world. It is a non-invasive gentle, holistic therapy that encompasses the whole body, mind, and spirit. Energy healing taps into the universal life force energy that flows through every living thing in the universe which is known as Prana (India), Chi (China) and Mana (Polynesia). an Ki (Japan).
Energy Healing is a gentle, non-invasive technique whereby the practitioner uses his/her hands to clear, energise and balance the human and environmental energy fields thus promoting physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and healing.
It complements conventional health care and is also used in collaboration with many other approaches to health and healing. The healing energy provides fast, natural and effective relief from an extensive list of ailments including stress, depression, muscle tension, adrenal glands, physical pain (especially back and neck pain), emotional trauma, insomnia and illness.
Vibrational Energetic Healing
Reiki which is now a popular form of energetic healing originated in Japan. Since everything is made up of energy, all types of healing ultimately involve using this life force energy. The goal of Energy Healing is to restore harmony, energy and balance within the human energy system through usually via the hands either touching or being placed above the body. The energy flows from the palm chakra’s to the client’s body or energy field that surrounds the body. There are many different types of Energetic Vibrational Healing techniques and these include, but are not limited to, Reiki, Spiritual Healing, and Shamanic Healing. Healer can also use sound, crystals, aromatherapy and flower essences.

How does it help?
Tiredness, or trouble sleeping
Feeling blocked, stuck or procrastinating
Feeling low or depressed in life and have lost the zeal to live
Overwhelmed by stress, fears or other emotions
Being crushed under the stress of performing in your professional and personal life
Suffering from illness on a regular basis
Pessimistic and cannot find the right path
Unfulfilled in activities or relationships
Shamanic Healing Ceremonies
Shamanic healing ceremonies are found in most indigenous cultures world wide. Core shamanic healing teaches the essence of Shamanic practices rather than borrow any rites, rituals, ceremonies, or cosmologies of any specific tribes. Healing practitioners work directly with spirit, they travel to other non-ordinary realms or worlds in trance which is theta brainwave consciousness to gain information or for healing work.
The Shamanic experience
Practitioners often use drumming, sound or movement as a way to enter into the theta brainwave shamanic consciousness to journey for information gathering or healing. The client doesn’t journey and isn’t required to do anything except receive healing. Practitioners will work with the client fully clothed often lying on a massage table.

Power Animal Retreival
Power animals are transcendent guardian spirits that provide protection, assistance, wisdom, direction and companionship. A Retrieval ceremony is a shamanic process of empowerment, inviting an animal spirit to be with us. The Shamanic practitioner will enter into a trance state, journey to meet your power animal spirit and bring it back for you. Once you have received your power animal, try connecting to the power animal, spend time with it, ask the power animal to appear in a dream or through visualisation and shamanic journey methods.
Often, power animals show up for a short time periods perhaps with specific teachings, while others stick around for our entire life.

Soul Retreival
In situations where there has been shock, trauma, an accident, illness or surgery part of the spirit or soul will leave the body or dissociate to protect the human body from overwhelming harm either physical, or emotional.
We often describe this as feeling un-grounded, beside ourselves, floating, or not fully present. Psychologists and counsellors are familiar with the effects of trauma and subsequent dissociated states. In some cases, the soul part will return on its own, but if it doesn’t know how to, or feels unsafe – the healer may need to assist the return of that missing piece. We may have several missing soul pieces depending on our life experiences.

Aura Cleansing
We are all affected by the energy around us and can pick up emotional states from others, these emotional states affect our health.
Shamans believe that your emotion takes the form of energy and can be stored throughout the body and eventually lead to illness. This is described as miss-placed energy that doesn’t belong that is best cleared. Cleansing can be helpful following an injury, illness or surgery.
Energetic intrusions can be created from suppressed emotions or picked up from other people or the environment either consciously or subconsciously.