The Lotus Centre is an Integrative Health and Well-being multi-disciplinary Centre. Our Practitioners and Therapists are available 6 days a week. They are small business owners who work as a team to provide high quality natural healthcare, therapeutic and well-being services.
Retrain your anxious brain
All about juicing for health
Linda’s Delicious Detox Juice Recipe
Chive frittatas with smoked salmon
What motivates your behaviour?
Raw cacao and cranberry bliss balls
Shape your own mind through neuroplasticity
How to recharge your batteries and manage stress
Hypnotherapy; mind tricks or mind shifts?
Spring detox program
Dealing with Anxiety – Naturally
So you think you’re menopausal?
Mindfulness without Meditation
Why won’t my baby sleep?
How to avoid Adrenal burnout?
Healing Trauma
Your body whispers before it shouts…..
Embracing Self Compassion
Stress is like a bad credit card debt
The new happily ever after – secrets of a better relationship